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上海经合工业设备检测有限公司    俄语区域产品认证专家

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俄罗斯兽医证书-俄罗斯兽药认证-俄罗斯兽药注册-俄罗斯兽医证书-Russina Veterinary certificate-海关联盟兽医认证-俄罗斯农业部兽医认证-俄罗斯兽医证书
    发布时间: 2018-10-10 16:09    

俄罗斯兽医证书,Russina Veterinary certificate,海关联盟兽医认证,俄罗斯农业部兽医认证,俄罗斯兽医证书,Veterinary certificate of the Customs Union,Russina Veterinary certificate

俄罗斯兽医证书-俄罗斯兽药认证-俄罗斯兽药注册-俄罗斯兽医证书-Russina Veterinary certificate-海关联盟兽医认证-俄罗斯农业部兽医认证-俄罗斯兽医证书


自2013年5月1日起,对于合法进口和运输到海关联盟境内的货物,使用某些形式的第三国管制货物的兽医证书已经失去了其法律合法性。我们说的是欧共体理事会决定(2011年4月7日)第607号规定的形式,其条款符合欧亚经委会2012年12月25日的第308号决定 从指定日期起失效。






兽医证书1 - 用于运输动物和用于繁殖的生物质。出口证书是用俄语和进口商所在国家的语言签发的。很多时候,兽医证书会有损失,它们成千上万地消失,然后伪造或质量差,特别是充满化学品,出现完全合法证书的鱼。在这种情况下,企业和买家一样毫无防备。因为地区服务部门进行的兽医检查是非常缓慢的,而且要花很多钱。任何地区都决定了关税,无论价格如何都会有所不同。而且,由于兽医证书必须获得几次,这需要时间:货物是闲置和恶化。简单的和其他的商业成本,每年可以达到数十亿卢布。而这些钱都是从消费者那里退还的。改变这种情况可以跟踪所有的货物,以及过渡到电子认证。这是一个系统,可以准确地澄清柜台上的产品是在哪里和什么时候生产的,追踪产品在销售前的整个生命周期。兽医证书

跨境运输动物或动物产品时,必须在海关提供国际兽医证书。对于海关联盟的国家来说,它是按照特定的模式准备的,文件的形式取决于你运输的东西。为了避免错误,请仔细阅读立法、现行法规和条例的要求。或者委托我们公司 "Region-Terminal-Center "的专家来解决这个任务,他们有很高的资质,知道如何正确确认你的货物的卫生安全。此外,我们的专家还提供清关领域的其他服务。



许可证由联盟成员国授权机构的代表授予。要订购它,你需要填写一份申请表,提供检查动物或生物材料和有关文件(包括护照或身份证号码),以及专业实验室确认活体货物健康和安全的结论。"地区-终端中心 "将帮助您快速解决这个问题,实现许可证的发放。



许可证由联盟成员国授权机构的代表授予。要订购它,你需要填写一份申请表,提供检查动物或生物材料和有关文件(包括护照或身份证号码),以及专业实验室确认活体货物健康和安全的结论。"地区-终端中心 "将帮助您快速解决这个问题,实现许可证的发放。










- 签发许可证的动物;

- 表1证书或动物的国际兽医护照;

- Rosselkhoznadzor的许可。

如果没有适当的资金验证,以及ISO 9001证书等,是不可能买到这个文件的。只有在对所有文件进行彻底检查后,在符合国家和国际法律要求的情况下,才会发给你。如果你想加快这个过程并对成功有信心,请联系我们的专家寻求帮助。我们从事各种类型的许可证的登记工作,并准备为客户提供货物认证及其清关方面的全方位服务。



Veterinary certificate

Since May 01, 2013, for the lawful importation and transportation into the territory of the Customs Union, the use of some forms of veterinary certificates for goods controlled by third countries has lost its legal legality. We are talking about the forms provided for by No. 607 by the Decision of the EEC Board (April 7, 2011), the terms of which are in accordance with No. 308 of the ECE Decision dated December 25, 2012. from the specified date expires.

A veterinary certificate is a document of a certain type obtained for livestock loads of live animals and various goods of animal origin subject to veterinary inspection by the state veterinarian of the sending country.

The document for the export of goods subject to control from the border zone is an export veterinary certificate. It is needed not only when crossing the border, but when transporting animals in a train, car, or plane inside the country. And also, for the sale of livestock products on the domestic market. It is issued by a veterinarian, specialized certification bodies in the state and English languages.
The certificate of the Russian Federation gives permission to the holder to transport cargo outside the state to any country. The certificate is issued to owners of animals only in state organizations and only if there is a veterinary passport with dates of vaccinations and the name of vaccines.

Veterinary certification is part of the sanitary-epidemiological control, which is carried out at the checkpoints of goods across the border to protect against the introduction and spread of very dangerous infectious diseases for the population, plants, and goods that are suspicious in the veterinary sense, as well as toxic substances.

Certification gives the right to store, transport, process, save, sell goods inspected by the State Veterinary Supervision Service without additional veterinary documentation throughout Russia, the exception is quarantine territory and ship to CIS countries, and also sell wholesale and retail catering goods.

form 1 — for transporting animals and the biological mass used for breeding. The export certificate is issued in the languages of Russian and the state of the importer. Very often there are losses of veterinary certificates, they disappear in the thousands, and then falsified or poor quality, in particular, filled with chemicals, fish with a completely legal certificate appears. In this case, the business is as defenseless as the buyers. Because the veterinary check carried out by the regional service is very slow, and for a lot of money. Any region determines the tariff, regardless of the price may vary. And, since the veterinary certificate must be obtained several times, which takes time: the goods are idle and deteriorate. Simple and other costs of business, can reach up to billions of rubles per year. And this is money that is refunded from the consumer. Changing the situation could be tracked all the goods, as well as the transition to electronic certification. This is a system that allows you to accurately clarify where and when the products that are on the counter were made, to trace the entire life cycle of the product before the sale.Veterinary certificates

When transporting animals or animal products across the border, an international veterinary certificate must be provided at customs. For the countries of the Customs Union, it is prepared according to a specific model, and the form of the document depends on what you transport. In order to avoid mistakes, carefully read the requirements of the legislation, current regulations and regulations. Or entrust the solution of this task to the specialists of our company “Region-Terminal-Center”, who have a high level of qualification and know how to correctly confirm the sanitary safety of your cargo. In addition, our specialists provide other services in the field of customs clearance.

Veterinary certificate form 1

The international transportation of animals and biological objects intended for their reproduction becomes possible only under the condition that all documents are properly drawn up. In particular, in order to export them to the territory of the countries of the Customs Union, it is necessary to obtain an international veterinary certificate of form 1. It is compiled on a blue form and implies several degrees of protection.

Permission is granted by representatives of the authorized bodies of the CU member states. To order it, you need to fill out an application form, provide for inspection of animal or biological material and documents on it (including a passport or identification number), as well as the conclusions of specialized laboratories confirming the health and safety of live cargo. "Region-Terminal Center" will help you quickly solve this problem and achieve the issuance of a permit.

Veterinary certificate form 2

It is used for the organization of international transportation of products of animal origin (not counting oil and fat, dairy and fish). To issue a permit, it is necessary to document the absence of diseases in animals from which this product was obtained.

The uniform international veterinary certificate in form 2 is issued only after the necessary research is carried out in the accredited laboratory of the CU member state. It uses an A4 red form. The authenticity of the document is confirmed by seals, watermarks and other special marks.

Veterinary certificate form 3

This form of a veterinary certificate is intended to confirm the safety and high quality characteristics of feed, other animal products exported to the territory of the countries of the Customs Union. The document is issued by state or specially accredited bodies on a green form, or in electronic form, which is certified by the seals of the controlling authority. You can get it only after analyzing product samples in laboratories.

Veterinary certificate form 4

Often, international transport involves the delivery to the territory of a country of the vehicle CU dairy, fish or oil and fat products. Then you need to issue just such a document. It is issued after analyzing samples of transported products and confirming the health of living organisms from which it was obtained. The form is filled out clearly on the model, otherwise it will not be considered valid. The validity period is three days after issue.

Veterinary certificate form 5

This permit is issued when exported outside the CU (export), the document is drawn up, if necessary, the organization of international transport of pets. For its registration should be presented:

- animal on which it is issued;

- certificate form 1 or an international veterinary passport on an animal;

- Permission of Rosselkhoznadzor.

It is impossible to buy this document without proper verification for money, as well as the ISO 9001 certificate, for example. You will be issued it only after a thorough check of all documentation, subject to the requirements of state and international law. If you want to speed up this process and be confident of success, contact our specialists for help. We are engaged in registration of various types of permits and are ready to provide customers with a full range of services in the field of certification of goods and their customs clearance.

Veterinary certificate form 6

This permit is issued for goods imported into the Russian Federation as an alternative to the veterinary certificate of the exporting country. The accompanying document allows you to freely transport goods throughout Russia from customs to the destination, when cargo is moved between subjects of the Russian Federation, etc. The veterinary certificate of form 6 has a validity period of only 3 days from the moment of issue until the moment of commencement of the transfer, sale, storage of goods.




























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