
Центр сертификации EAC Таможенного союза ​ООО ТЕСТ СЕРТ 

上海经合工业设备检测有限公司    俄语区域产品认证专家

021-36411223      eac@cu-tr.org   WeChat:18621862553
EAC认证-化工机械EAC认证-干燥机EAC认证-分离设备EAC认证-反应器CU-TR认证-反应釜EAC认证TR CU 010/2011
来源: | 作者:pmt1ac5e9 | 发布时间: 2018-10-10 | 1642 次浏览 | 分享到:
俄罗斯机械设备EAC认证,化工机械EAC认证,干燥机EAC认证,分离设备EAC认证,反应器CU-TR认证,反应釜EAC认证,TR CU 010/2011 ,本技术法规的制定是为了在海关联盟关税地区制定统一的强制性规定,以适用和执行机械和(或)开发(设计),制造,安装,调整,运行,储存,运输,销售和处置设备的要求确保在海关联盟单一关税区内流通的机器和(或)设备的自由流动

关于机械设备的安全TR CU 010-2011海关联盟技术法规 2016年5月16日修订版

关于机械设备的安全TR CU 010/2011海关联盟技术法规



- 与确保通信网络运行的完整性和稳定性以及使用无线电频谱相关的机器和(或)设备;
- 用于医疗用途并用于与患者直接接触(X光,诊断,治疗,矫形,牙科,手术设备)的机器和(或)设备;
- 专门用于原子能使用领域的机器和(或)设备。对于在使用核能领域使用的机器和(或)一般工业设备,本技术法规的影响部分不符合确保核辐射安全的要求;
- 轮式车辆,除了安装在机器和(或)设备上;
- 海运和运输车辆(船舶和浮动设施,包括其上使用的机械和(或)设备);
- 飞行和太空车辆;
- 铁路运输和地下专用铁路机车车辆和技术装备;
- 景区游乐设备;
- 军备装备;
- 供残疾人使用的机器和(或)设备;
- 农业和林业拖拉机和拖车,除了机器和(或)设备上安装的设备;
- 钻井平台,除了在机器和(或)设备上使用。

All industrial enterprises keep exactly on the equipment - just with the help of it factories and factories produce their products. Therefore, a failure in the operation of machines can undermine the entire technological process. Therefore, a regulation was issued on the safe operation of industrial equipment.

TR CU 010/2011 "On the safety of machinery and equipment"
Cars and a variety of equipment overwhelm our society, in their absence, modern people are unlikely to be able to adapt. For example, threshers, conveyors, chemical equipment or those used in manufacturing. Equipment - a large number, but also a large number and threats, dangers to life, which can bring a person. To provide security and conformity assessment laws, we developed the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 010/2011 “On the safety of machinery and equipment”.

In this article we will discuss with you the machines and equipment used at the hazardous production facility.
The technical regulations apply to machines and equipment that are manufactured or imported into the territory of the Customs Union.
Let us examine what types of machinery and equipment are not included in the document in question:
• vehicles and equipment related to ensuring the integrity and stability of communication networks and the use of the radio frequency spectrum;
• various amusement rides;
• defense technology, military;
• flying or space equipment;
• motor vehicles (wheeled vehicles), but without equipment installed on them;
• waterborne vehicles;
• various equipment used in railway transport;
• drilling platforms;
• also, tractors, trailers and other agricultural machines and much more.
• All-terrain vehicles, snow and swamp vehicles, all-terrain vehicles;

All other equipment published in circulation on the territory of the Customs Union is subject to conformity assessment to the conditions of the considered regulations. Conformity assessment takes place in the form of proof of compliance and also in the form of state control.
Machines and various equipment used in production or made for the purpose of personal needs are not subject to confirmation of compliance with technical regulations.

Confirmation of conformity are carried out in the form of certification and declaration.

Certification is carried out by an accredited certification body and testing laboratory.
The declaration of conformity is issued on the basis of its own evidence, and it is possible with the help of the certification body included in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratory.
In this case, we will talk about the declaration of compliance.
The declaration process is conducted by the applicant for the equipment included in the List of objects of regulation.
It is worth noting that the declaration of conformity and the certificate of conformity are identical in legal force.

To confirm compliance with the applicant, it is necessary to generate a certain package of documents, which includes:
• an act that includes information about the minimum measures for the purpose of security (safety justification);
technical documentation;
• safety case;
• list of documents on the basis of which the equipment was created;
• documentation responsible for the transportation, delivery of equipment;
• in many cases, the certificate of QMS;
• documents related to the use of equipment;
• data, information on testing;
• also, documented test results;
• and other documents certifying the conformity of machinery and equipment.

If you have any questions regarding the list of documents, please contact our certification center.
To issue a declaration, do the following:
create a set of documents specified above, carry out production control, then an application is sent to the certification body with the necessary package of documents.

The certification body conducts research:
• research sample, which is taken from all manufactured machinery and equipment;
• the presentation of documents is being studied;
• if a positive test result is followed by a sample, the certification body issues a declaration of conformity;
• further, the applicant accepts and registers the declaration of conformity.

We advise you to contact our certification center, we have experts with years of experience who will help you in issuing a declaration of conformity or a certificate of conformity.

Now, as for the schemes, here we will analyze the 5d scheme, because it is slightly different from the others. Note that the 5d scheme is used only at hazardous production facilities, if it is not possible to conduct the full amount of the test before it is established for use.
This scheme applies only to serial production.
Also, the scheme used is the applicant does not use the standards that are specified in the Technical Regulations 010/2011, paragraph 1 of Article 6.

How is the procedure?

• the filed set of documents, technical documentation is formed and analyzed;
• carried out production control;
• type research is being conducted;
• further, the declaration is accepted and registered;
• and put a single mark of appeal.

What is it and why do you need certified equipment?

The technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of machinery and equipment" establishes standards for industrial equipment, the use of which may entail certain risks to the health of workers. Most types of machines used in factories and plants are subject to declaration of compliance with this regulation or certification for compliance with safety standards.

What if certification of safety of machines and equipment is needed?

There are several equipment certification systems - which one will be used to certify the equipment of an enterprise depends on the type of machines. It should also be noted that the quality assessment is carried out by a special accredited organization, and testing for issuing certificates is a licensed laboratory.

For certification, an entrepreneur will need to obtain:
• declaration of conformity of TR TS 010-2011;
• certificate of compliance with safety standards;
• safety justification (for devices that are not subject to mandatory declaration of TR CU);
• expert opinion or certificate of state registration (for municipal water supply);
• certificate of the Ministry of Health (for medical equipment);
• fire safety certificate (for fire fighting equipment).

These documents will be needed by an entrepreneur for certification:

• copies of constituent documents (for an LLC - certificates of INN and OGRN);
• copies of constituent documents (for private entrepreneurs - certificates of INN and OGRNP);

The certificate for foreign devices can be issued in two forms - only for the stated number of technical units or for serial imports. The right to import several batches can last no longer than five years. In addition to the documents mentioned above, the importer will need:
• an additional copy of the contract with the manufacturer;
• copy of invoice (invoice);
quality passport;
• technical description;
• registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (for medical equipment).

All documents are translated into Russian.
With a small number of imported goods, it is recommended to issue a limited batch certificate - no laboratory tests are required to obtain it, which reduces the cost.

• a document confirming the right of ownership, or a tenancy agreement;
• operational documents: safety case, passport, operation manual;
• regulatory and technical information according to TU or GOST;
• documents on the compliance of raw materials and supplies.







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